Hector Ferrer Fernandez was born in 1993 in Barcelona, Spain. He started dancing at the age of 10 pursuing his studies at the conservatoire of Barcelona Institut del Teatre. He moved to Madrid to continue his training with Victor Ullate and later moved to Stuttgart to complete his diploma at the Stuttgart Ballet Akademie, the John Cranko Schule.
Since 2013, he has been dancing professionally for different dance institutions such as Opera Ballet van Vlaanderen and Ballet de l’Opéra National du Rhin.
He has performed works from Pina Bausch, Maurice Béjart, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Edward Clug, Sharon Eyal, Andonis Foniadakis, William Forsythe, Akram Khan, Jîri Kylian, Kurt Jooss, Jean Christophe Maillot, Hans van Manen, Ohad Naharin, and Crystal Pite, among other choreographers as well collaborating and being part of different creations in Belgium, France, Spain and Germany.
Nowadays, he is a freelance dancer based in Belgium working on different projects across Europe.