Filippo was born in 1998 in Naples, Italy, where he started his modern dance studies.
In 2016, he moved to Agora Coaching Project Junior Company (Italy), where he had the chance to meet and perform works by choreographers Michele Merola, Enrico Morelli, Gustavo Ramirez Sansano, Ricardo Fernando, Emanuele Soavi among others.
In 2017 he began his studies at Codarts, University of the Arts in Rotterdam, Netherlands where he graduated in 2021 and has performed works by choreographers Roy Assaf, Nacho Duato, Andonis Foniadakis, Wayne McGregor, Lucinda Childs, Felix Landerer among others.
In 2020 he became a member of Skånes Dansteater in Malmö, Sweden as an intern-dancer. Here, he performed works by the choreographers Tero Saarinen and Mari Carrasco, among others.
From 2021, onwards he worked as freelance dancer for Marcel Leemann Physical Dance Theater (Bern), ARK Connor Schumacher (Rotterdam), WDTanztheater Düsseldorf and GrossDanceCompany, Amsterdam. In 2022 he became a répétiteur at Codarts, University of the Arts for the re-staging of the dance piece Façade by Andonis Foniadakis.