Darbar Festival comes to Sadler’s Wells

Akram has been invited to curate the annual Indian classical music and dance festival, Darbar, from 9 to 12 November. For the very first time, Darbar is hosted by none other than our London home Sadler’s Wells, and Akram is bringing dance to the festival programme!

Akram has pulled together today’s masters in the Indian classical world and also used this incredible opportunity to showcase emerging talents too.

“I want the younger generations to not only be inspired but to experience the immense amount of hard work and dedication that it takes to achieve such a level.”

With a four-day program filled with more than 17 artists, including collaborators and good friends Mavin Khoo and Aditi Mangaldas, you won’t want to miss out!

Akram’s afternoon talk with Sadler’s Wells’ Artistic Director Alistair Spalding will be an intimate affair at the Lilian Baylis Studio, Saturday 11 November – get your tickets here.

Explore the programme here!


Photo by Devansh Jhaveri for the Red Dress Project by Manuela Benini

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